CARE     -    GROW     -    SERVE     -    PROCLAIM

​Widows Support Group
March 10, 10 am - Church Library
(formerly known as Friends Supporting Friends)
We have been a group at First Lutheran Church for about 10 years. Our new name is Widows Support. We are not a therapy group, but we are a place for widows to find friendship, support, and fun.
We meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 10:00 am in the library. Please join us!
Call Paula Glandon for more info. 425-483-1783

Bible Study opportunities available:

Rebecca Circle: March 19, 10 am
Please contact Lucy Kay Osborne for more information regarding meeting place and Bible study.
Contact: Lucy Kay Osborne 425-823-9793

Hannah Circle: March 15, 9 am

​Contact: Linda Siebert 206-369-7047

All Women of First Lutheran Church, Bothell are members of Women of First Lutheran Church (WFLC) and Women of the ELCA)

As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit,
We commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and in the world.

When do Women of First Lutheran Church meet?
Luncheons, general meetings and Bible Study are held throughout the year.   The WFLC Executive Board meetings are open and held throughout the year. Dates and times are announced in the Sunday bulletins, the church newsletter at website and posted on the WFLC/WELCA bulletin boards. Speakers and programs at these events or general meetings seek to inform and provide inspiration for spiritual, educational and socially provide opportunities for fellowship. Everyone is welcome to attend.

 Women’s Bible Study Circles - Visitors are welcome. Three circles meet monthly or as noted for Bible study and fellowship.

Deborah Circle: Honors two Deborahs of the Bible. One was Rebecca’s revered nurse (Genesis 45:8). The other was a judge and prophetess   celebrated in the song of Deborah (Judges 5:2-31). Deborah Circle meets the first Wednesday of the month except July and August in The Landing at 10:00 AM.  The group discusses the articles and Bible Study available in the monthly WELCA Gather magazine.

Hannah Circle: Hannah was the mother of Samuel. The Hebrew word "Hannah" has many meanings and interpretations, including "beauty" and "passion."  The circle meets the third Monday at 6:30 PM in the Fireside Room.  The members discuss various topics such as women in the Bible and spiritual disciplines and issues.

Rebecca Circle: Rebecca was known for her beauty. She drew water for Abraham’s servant so he considered it a sign that she should become Jacob’s wife. Her betrothal and marriage is recorded in Genesis 24. Rebecca Circle meets in The Landing, at the church, on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:00 AM. Members discuss spiritual topics and Bible Study provided in the WELCA Gather Magazine.

Quilters meet Thursdays from 9:00 AM until Noon in the Fellowship Hall.  Everyone is welcome to attend at any time. No experience is required.  Hundreds of quilts are sent by our quilters to Lutheran World Relief (LWR). In addition to quilts, shipments include soap, personal care kits and other items requested by LWR.  The quilts and items are assembled by the circles and congregational members. Several quilts are also given locally to a Christmas family, graduating high school seniors, shelters, and families in need.

Bible Studies and Group Activities for Women