The FLC Library Committee
FLC Book Club!
The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese
January 28, 7 pm
Discussion Leader: Linda Siebert
An expansive, multigenerational tale of an Indian family whose members all suffer from what is termed the “Condition.” From the story’s opening in 1900 to its close in 1977, this Condition leads to the death by drowning of many members of the family, usually male. It is Big Ammachi’s greatest hope that someone will someday discover the cause of, and thus the cure for, this Condition. She becomes the family matriarch, presiding over the estate at Parambil, in the southern region of Kerala. Once a child bride, she raises two children and one grandchild while witnessing numerous tragedies. Published in 2023, The Covenant of Water explores the caste system of India; examines the class system in the United Kingdom; spotlights the small Christian community within India; critiques the British imperial presence in India; and reveals much about Indian culture, history, and politics in the process. As a physician, Verghese also provides graphic and detailed scenes of illness, surgery and recovery.
Please contact Katie Pyne, Ann Aagaard or Roger Steinke for additional information about the Book Club. A copy of the Featured Book of the Month is available in the First Lutheran Church Library. Please join us!
FLC Library News:
Keep snapping photos for the annual photo contest. Submission date in January 2025! All photos will be displayed in the library in March 2025.
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