Scrip sales have become a great fund raising resource for FLC's Social Ministry Committee. You can buy scrip (gift cards) on Sunday mornings in the narthex. There are many gift cards for things you'll be purchasing anyway, such as grocery and gas. All profits from Scrip sales go to the Social Ministries Committee for use in their programs, above and beyond the General Fund budget.
Scrip Card Purchases are Available Online
You don't have to wait until Sunday to purchase Scrip! Purchase scrip cards directly from RaiseRight for your everyday purchases, and benefit First Lutheran Church’s Social Ministries programs!
Scan this QR code to easily set up your account. The RaiseRight app is available in the IOS App Store or Google Play Store
Happy Shopping!
Other Passive Giving Opportunities:
Link your Fred Meyer rewards card to their Community Rewards program for First Lutheran Church. All of your purchases will result in a quarterly donation to FLC.
Sign up for Bartell's B Caring Program, and name First Lutheran Church as your charity.
Again, all the proceeds from these programs are used by Social Ministries for programs such as Cadbury Easter Eggs for Hopelink, Hopelink's End Summer Hunger program, supplementing Compass Housing fund raisers, Sock it to the Homeless, Backpacks for Kids, Christmas Giving Tree, etc.